Тестирование софта - статьи



  1. [ADLt] M. Obayashi, H. Kubota, S. P. McCarron, and L. Mallet. The Assertion Based Testing Tool for OOP: ADL2, available via
  2. [AGEDIS] I. Gronau, A. Hartman, A. Kirshin, K. Nagin, and S. Olvovsky. A Methodology and Architecture for Automated Software Testing. Available at
  3. [AGEDISW]
  4. [ASMB] E. Borger and R. Stark. Abstract State Machines: A Method for High-Level System Design and Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  5. [ASMI] Y. Gurevich. Evolving Algebras: An Attempt to Discover Semantics. In Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, eds. G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa, World Scientific, 1993, pp. 266-292.
  6. [ASMT] W. Grieskamp, Y. Gurevich, W. Schulte, and M. Veanes. Testing with Abstract State Machines. In R. Moreno-Diaz and A. Quesada-Arencibia, eds., Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science (Proceedings of Eurocast 2001), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, February 2001, pp. 257-261.
  7. [ASMTW]
  8. [AsSM] И. Бурдонов, А. Косачев, В. Кулямин. Асинхронные автоматы: классификация и тестирование, Труды ИСП РАН, 4:7-84, 2003.
  9. [ASSUM] S. Fujiwara and G. von Bochmann. Testing Nondeterministic Finite State Machine with Fault Coverage. IFIP Transactions, Proceedings of IFIP TC6 Fourth International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, 1991, Ed. by Jan Kroon, Rudolf J. Heijink, and Ed Brinksma, 1992, North-Holland, pp. 267-280.
  10. [ATS] http://www.atssoft.com
  11. [BP] G. v. Bochmann and A. Petrenko. Protocol Testing: Review of Methods and Relevance for Software Testing. In Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. Seattle, USA, 1994, pp. 109-123.
  12. [CADPO] H. Garavel, F. Lang, and R. Mateescu. An overview of CADP 2001. INRIA Technical Report TR-254, December 2001.
  13. [CCNET] M. Barnett and W. Schulte. Contracts, Components, and their Runtime Verification on the .NET Platform. Technical Report TR-2001-56, Microsotf Research.
  14. [DBCA] Bertrand Meyer. Applying `Design by Contract'. IEEE Computer, vol. 25, No. 10, October 1992, pp. 40-51.
  15. [DBCE] Bertrand Meyer.
    Bartetzko, C. Fisher, M. Moller, and H. Wehrheim. Jass - Java with assertions. In K. Havelund and G. Rosu, editors, Proceeding of the First Workshop on Runtime Verification RV'01, Vol. 55 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Compter Science, Elsevier Science, July 2001.
  16. [JassW]
  17. [Jatva] Igor B. Bourdonov, Alexey V. Demakov, Andrew A. Jarov, Alexander S. Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexander K. Petrenko, Sergey V. Zelenov. Java Specification Extension for Automated Test Development. Proceedings of PSI'01. LNCS 2244, pp. 301-307. Springer-Verlag, 2001.
  18. [jContr] M. Karaorman, U. Holzle, and J. Bruno. jContractor: A reflective Java library to support design by contract. Technical Report TRCCS98-31, University of California, Santa Barbara. Computer Science, January 19, 1999.
  19. [jContrW]
  20. [JISL] P. Muller, J. Meyer, and A. Poetzsch-Heffter. Making executable interface specifications more expressive. In C. H. Cap, editor, JIT'99 Java-Informations-Tage 1999, Informatik Aktuell. Springer-Verlag, 1999.
  21. [JML] A. Bhorkar. A Run-time Assertion Checker for Java using JML. Technical Report 00-08, Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University, 2000.
  22. [JMLW]
  23. [JMS]
  24. [JUNIT]
  25. [KORAT] C. Boyapati, S. Khurshid, and D. Marinov. Korat: Automated Testing Based on Java Predicates. Proc. of ISSTA 2002, Rome, Italy. Jul 2002.
  26. [KVEST] I. Bourdonov, A. Kossatchev, A. Petrenko, and D. Galter. KVEST: Automated Generation of Test Suites from Formal Specifications. FM'99: Formal Methods. LNCS 1708, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 608-621.
  27. [LOTOS] ISO/IEC. Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - LOTOS - A Formal Description Technique based on the Temporal Ordering of Observational Behaviour. ISO/IEC 8807:1989, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989.
  28. [Lustre] N. Halbwachs, P. Caspi, P. Raymond, and D. Pilaud. The synchronous data flow programming language LUSTRE. Proc. IEEE, vol. 79, pp. 1305-1320, Sept. 1991.
  29. [LY] D. Lee and M.

    Yannakakis. Principles and Methods of Testing Finite-State Machines. A survey. Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 84, No. 8, 1996, pp. 1090-1123.
  30. [MCDC] J. J. Chilenski and S. P. Miller. Applicability of modified condition/decision coverage to software testing. Software Engineering Journal, pp. 193-200, September 1994.
  31. [MSRIPreport]
  32. [MulSaw]
  33. [Murphi]
  34. [NDFSM] И. Б. Бурдонов, А. С. Косачев, В. В. Кулямин. Неизбыточные алгоритмы обхода ориентированных графов. Недетерминированный случай. Программирование, 2003. В этом номере.
  35. [Manage] D.Stidolph, J.Whitehead. Managerial Issues for the Consideration and Use of Formal Methods, LNCS No.2805, 2003, pp.170-186.]
  36. [MDA]
  37. [OPT] A. Kossatchev, A. Petrenko, S. Zelenov, and S. Zelenova. Using Model-Based Approach for Automated Testing of Optimizing Compilers. In Proccedings of Intl. Workshop on Program Undestanding, Gorno-Altaisk, 2003.
  38. [ORA] L. Baresi and M. Young. Test Oracles. Tech. Report CIS-TR-01-02. Available at
  39. [PARASOFT]
  40. [Parnas] D. Peters and D. Parnas. Using Test Oracles Generated from Program Documentation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 24(3):161-173, 1998.
  41. [PROJ] G. Friedman, A. Hartman, K. Nagin, T. Shiran. Projected state machine coverage for software testing. Proc. of ISSTA 2002, Rome, Italy. Jul 2002.
  42. [RedVerst]
  43. [Robinson] H. Robinson. Obstacles and opportunities for model-based testing in an industrial software environment. In proceedings of 1-st ECMDSE, 2003
  44. [SCR] C. Heitmeyer. Software Cost Reduction. Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Two Volumes, John J. Marciniak, editor, ISBN: 0-471-02895-9, January 2002.
  45. [SDL] J. Ellsberger, D. Hogrefe, and A. Sarma, SDL - Formal Object-Oriented Language for Communicating Systems, Prentice Hall, 1997.
  46. [SDLt] C. Bourhfir, E. Aboulhamid, R. Dssouli, N. Rico. A test case generation approach for conformance testing of SDL systems. Computer Communications 24(3-4): 319-333 (2001).
  47. [SLIC] T. Ball and S. Rajamani. SLIC: A specification language for interface checking (of C).

    Technical Report, MSR-TR-2001-21, Microsoft Research, January 2002.
  48. [TGV] J.-C. Fernandez, C. Jard, T. Jeron, and C. Viho. An experiment in automatic generation of test suites for protocols with verification technology. In Special Issue on Industrially Relevant Applications of Formal Analysis Techniques, J. F. Groote and M. Rem, editors, Elsevier Science publisher, 1996.
  49. [TorX] J. Tretmans, A. Belinfante. Automatic testing with formal methods. In EuroSTAR'99: 7th European Int. Conference on Software Testing, Analysis and Review, Barcelona, Spain, November 8-12, 1999. EuroStar Conferences, Galway, Ireland. Also: Technical Report TRCTIT-17, Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
  50. [TPA] J. Grabowski, D. Hogrefe, R. Nahm. Test case generation with test purpose specification by MSCs. In O. Faergemand and A. Sarma, editors, 6th SDL Forum, pages 253-266, Darmstadt, Germany, North-Holland 1993.
  51. [TPB] C. J. Wang, M. T. Liu. Automatic test case generation for Estelle. In International Conference on Network Protocols, pages 225-232, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1993.
  52. [TRover]
  53. [TRT]
  54. [TVEC]
  55. [UMBTG] E. Farchi, A. Hartman, and S. S. Pinter. Using a model-based test generator to test for standard conformance. IBM Systems Journal, volume 41, Number 1, 2002, pp. 89-110.
  56. [UML-TP] UML Testing Profile.
  57. [UniArch] I. Bourdonov, A. Kossatchev, V. Kuliamin, and A. Petrenko. UniTesK Test Suite Architecture. Proc. of FME 2002. LNCS 2391, pp. 77-88, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
  58. [UNITESK]

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